After 24 years of living this life, I'm still learning and all I can say is I'm blessed. I'm smart enough to know and understand right from wrong. I understand that everything I go through is a test of character, and every choice I make a lesson comes from it. Now its also my choice if I choose to learn from it then or wait til I'm faced with the same test a second time. But one thing I do know with test, once I get it right it'll never be wrong again! So who am I now? I am a shy, outspoken rebel--with the mind of a genius, the heart of a thug, the ambition of a rapper, the walk of a model and the eyes of a goddess. I'm a flawed but solid beauty. A strong black woman walking my path to success and no matter how many detours I run into. I'll always remember where I'm going and where I'm from. Because I choose to live by choice, not by chance; to make changes, not excuses; to be motivated, not manipulated and to be useful, not used. This is me today, tomorrow and forever..Peace